Package com.bramosystems.oss.player.core.client.geom

Provides geometry and related utility classes, such as vectors, matrixes and transformation matrixes, to support graphics manipulation


Interface Summary
MatrixSupport Interface for players that have two-dimensional transformation matrix support.

Class Summary
Matrix2D Implements a 3x3 matrix.
Matrix3D Implements a 4x4 matrix.
MatrixUtil Utility class to perform various matrix calculations
TransformationMatrix Represents a transformation matrix that determines how to map points from one coordinate space to another.
Vector Represents a location or point in three-dimensional space using the Cartesian coordinates x, y, and z.
Vector3D Represents a location or point in three-dimensional space similar to a Vector, but in addition, consists of a fourth property w which can be used to represent the angle of rotation.

Package com.bramosystems.oss.player.core.client.geom Description

Provides geometry and related utility classes, such as vectors, matrixes and transformation matrixes, to support graphics manipulation

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