Select Player widgets Dynamically

The API feature an utility class - PlayerUtil that creates player instances considered suitable for a specified media URL. The utility methods depend on a mapping of audio/video mime-types and registered extensions.

Default Mapping

The default mapping below is defined in the file in the com.bramosystems.oss.player.core.rebind package.

#   Default Audio/Video Mime Types
# Audio types ...
audio/3gpp              3gp,3gpp
audio/3gpp2             3g2,3gp2,3gpp2
audio/aiff              aiff,aif,aifc,cdda
audio/aac               aac,adts
audio/ac3               ac3
audio/amr               amr
audio/amr-wb            awb,amrw
audio/ATRAC-ADVANCED-LOSSLESS   aa1,aa3,omg
audio/ATRAC-X           atx,aa3,omg
audio/ATRAC3            at3,aa3,omg
audio/basic             snd,au,ulw
audio/EVRC              evc
audio/EVRCB             evb
audio/EVRC-QCP          qcp
audio/SMV-QCP           qcp
audio/mid               rmi,mid,smf,kar,midi
audio/midi              rmi,mid,smf,kar,midi
audio/x-midi            rmi,mid,smf,kar,midi
audio/mobile-xmf        mxmf
audio/mp3               mp3,swa
audio/mpeg3             mp3,swa
audio/mp4               mp4,mpg4
audio/mpeg              mpeg,mpg,m1s,m1a,m2a,mp1,mp2,mp3,mpm,mpa,mpga,mpega,swa
audio/ogg               oga,ogg,spx,ogga
audio/wav               wav,bwf
audio/x-aiff            aif,aifc,aiff,cdda
audio/x-aifc            aiff
audio/x-aac             aac,adts
audio/x-caf             caf
audio/x-ac3             ac3
audio/x-gsm             gsm
audio/x-m4a             m4a
audio/x-m4b             m4b
audio/x-m4p             m4p
audio/x-mp3             mp3,swa
audio/x-mpeg3           mp3,swa
audio/x-mpeg            mpeg,mpg,m1s,m1a,m2a,mp1,mp2,mp3,mpm,mpa,mpga,mpega,swa
audio/x-mpegurl         m3u
audio/x-pn-realaudio    ra,ram
audio/x-wav             wav,bwf
audio/x-ms-wma          wma
audio/x-ms-wax          wax
audio/x-matroska 	mka

# Video types ...
video/3gpp              3gp,3gpp
video/3gpp2             3g2,3gp2,3gpp2
video/divx              divx,div,mkv
video/flv               flv
video/mj2               mj2,mjp2
video/mp4               mp4,mpg4
video/mpeg              mpeg,mpg,m1s,m1v,m1a,m75,m15,mp2,mpm,mpv,mpa,mpe,mpv2
video/mpeg-system 	mpg,mpeg,vob
video/ogg               ogv,oggv
video/quicktime         qt,mov,mqv
video/sd-video          sdv
video/webm              webm
video/x-sgi-movie       movie
video/x-msvideo         avi
video/x-la-asf          lsf,lsx
video/x-ms-asf          asf,asr,asx
video/x-ms-wm           wm
video/x-ms-wmv          wmv
video/x-ms-wvx          wvx
video/x-m4v             m4v
video/x-mpeg            mpeg,mpg,m1s,m1v,m1a,m75,m15,mp2,mpm,mpv,mpa,mpe,mpv2
video/x-mpeg-system 	mpg,mpeg,vob
video/x-msvideo 	avi
video/x-ms-asf-plugin 	asf,asx
video/x-ms-asf          asf,asx
video/x-flv             flv
video/x-matroska 	mkv
video/x-mov             mov

The mime-types section lists all supported mime-types and their registered file extensions as listed in the IANA registry.

Each Player Provider package associates the player widgets and the supported mime-types/protocols in its PlayerProviderFactory implementation class. Media URLs ending with the file extensions of the specifed mime-types are considered playable by the associated widgets. Also, media URLs starting with associated protocols are considered playable by the widgets.


How does it work ?

Assuming we have a customised player control so designed to our taste and we need to playback a Quicktime video. We may also wish to make the events generated by the player control some other actions on the application.

In this case we have the option of using either of the player widgets that supports Quicktime videos - QuickTimePlayer or VLCPlayer. If we use one of the widgets and the browser on the client only have a plugin for the other widget installed, then our application is broken!

A better option is to get the player dynamically - that is where the mime-type/extension mapping comes in. With this, all plugins available on the client are checked and either of QuickTimePlayer and VLCPlayer widgets selected since the media URL ends in an extension associated with both. With either player, the user is unaware since the UI controls is the same and all other actions are controlled in a similar way.

If some mime-types are missing or new mime-types are defined for the player widgets, be kind to open an issue to update the default mime mapping file.